Kia ora koutou, Mālō e lelei, Talofa lava, Kia orana, welcome to Porirua School.
I am proud to lead the team at Porirua School and welcome you to come and visit us.
Our kura is located in the heart of Porirua City, so we are fortunate to have easy access to some fantastic places we love to visit! We regularly visit the library, Pataka, and Te Rauparaha Arena and Aquatic Centre, which all contribute to our students' learning. We value the support we receive for our students learning from our local iwi, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Porirua City Council.
Our vision for our akonga is for them to be "active learners achieving success with the support of a committed, inclusive learning community." We are an inclusive school committed to providing appropriate support to meet every child's learning and wellbeing needs.
Ngā mihi nui,
Vanessa Hendry
Please contact Geena in the office via phone or email to let us know if your child is absent.
An absence text message will be sent after 9am.
Kaitiaki Ākonga Manaaki
We are all kaitiaki, supporting students, welcoming everyone.
He kaitiaki tātou, e tautoko ana i ngā ākonga, e manaaki ana i ngā tāngata katoa
Active learners achieving success with the support of a committed, inclusive learning community.